
The POS Support End Point. Unless otherwise stated, all requests require authorization through HTTP Basic Authentication.

GET posSupportAPI/getInfo

The GetInfo method.

This request returns the current API version and can be used for general service availability (ping/health check).

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/redeem

The Redeem Promotion method. This request applies Fishbowl promotions for the specified promotions code to the specified POS order. The API will validate and apply the discount based on the Promotion details and restrictions associated with the Promotions code.

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/void

The Void Promtion method. This request initiates a void for a previously successful redemption. The API will validate the redemption discount and void as appropriate.

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/commit

The Commit Promotion method. The Commit Promotion request initiates a commit for a previously successful authorized redemption. The API will validate the transaction and commit as appropriate.

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/update

The Update Promotion method. The Update Promotion request initiates an update for a previously committed redemption, applying the final check number to the successful transaction. The API will validate the transaction and update as appropriate.

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/flush

The Flush Cached Promotion method. The Flush Cached Promotion method is requested upon Offer Publishing. Flushes the cache for the given promotion id.

POST posSupportAPI/dataUpload/menu

The Data Upload Menu method. This request includes the store’s menu Major Groups, Minor Groups and Menu Items. Clients should make this request upon enabling changes to the store’s menu. It is also recommended that an initial menu upload be made when the store becomes “live” prior to any redeem promotion requests.

POST posSupportAPI/loyalty/posevent

The Loyalty POS Event method. This request initiates a Loyalty POS Event. Clients should make this request to initiate a Loyalty visit or spend transaction.

POST posSupportAPI/promotion/redeemOfferConnect

The Offer Connect Redeem method. This request applies Fishbowl promotions for the specified promotions code. The API will validate and apply the discount based on the Promotions code.

POST posSupportAPI/loyalty/checkRefund

The loyalty reward refund method. The loyalty reward refund request initiates a refund for a previously successfully redeemed reward. The API will validate the transaction and refund as appropriate.


The Toast POS Support End Point.

POST toastSupportAPI/promotionRequest

No documentation available.

POST toastSupportAPI/dataUpload/menu

The Data Upload Menu method. This request includes the store’s menu Major Groups, Minor Groups and Menu Items. Clients should make this request upon enabling changes to the store’s menu. It is also recommended that an initial menu upload be made when the store becomes “live” prior to any redeem promotion requests.


The Xpient POS Support End Point. This end point is limited to the implementation required for Xpient POS support. Unless otherwise stated, all requests require authorization through HTTP Basic Authentication.

GET xpientSupportAPI/getInfo

The GetInfo method.

This request returns the current API version and can be used for general service availability (ping/health check).

POST xpientSupportAPI/applyOffers

The ApplyOffers method.

This request applies Fishbowl promotions for the specified promotions code to the specified POS order.

The API will validate and apply the discount based on the Promotion details and restrictions associated with the Promotions code.

POST xpientSupportAPI/submitOrder

The SubmitOrder method.

This request sends the finalized order details.

The API will update the POS Business Date for the order and log the order details.

POST xpientSupportAPI/voidOrder

The VoidOrder method.

This request is initiated when a manager voids (Over Ring) an order that has a loyalty discount applied.

The API will validate the order discount and void as appropriate.